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[av_heading heading=’St. Louis Regional Airport Commissioners Vote to Reduce Tax Levy’ tag=’h2′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]
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One tax is going down this year. Madison County residents in the St. Louis Regional Airport taxing district are going to be charged 4.9 percent less than last year for the airport levy as a result of modest revenue increases at the airport.
“This reduction in taxes is possible because of the ongoing success of Airport Director David C. Miller and his wonderful staff and crew,” Airport Commissioner Matt Maberry said. “They continue to attract and retain viable businesses tenants while maintaining fiscal responsibility and cost controls.”
St. Louis Regional Airport has a 600-acre business park which brings land-lease income to the airport and jobs to the community. The business park’s anchor tenant, West Star Aviation, has grown into a 1,440-person operation with more than 550 of of their staff, including CEO Jim Rankin, located at the East Alton facility.
The Board of Commissioners of the Airport Authority voted to decrease this year’s levy during a special meeting Dec. 18 at the airport administration building. Maberry, who is acting vice president of the commissioners, chaired the meeting because Board President Wendell Ross was traveling.
“We are delighted to be able to start 2020 with good news,” Maberry said. “The airport’s board of commissioners is committed to continuing to develop the airport business park to provide good-paying jobs in the community and continue to keep the facility as self-sustaining as possible.”
Larry Franklin and Robert LaMarsh served with Maberry on the budget committee, which proposed reducing the tax levy. LaMarsh also serves as secretary for the board. The other commissioners are Ross, chairman of the board; Shirley Kleeman, treasurer; Steve Futrell, and Chris Herzog.
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