St. Louis Regional Airport (ALN) is an FAA-designated Reliever airport in southwestern Illinois, located in Madison County. ALN is owned and operated by St. Louis Regional and is located approximately four miles east of the City of Alton. There are several intergovernmental agreements in place in the airport district, which is an existing enterprise zone along State Highway 140, that contributes to the sustained economic growth of the region and the airport.
In addition to recreational flying and outdoor tourism, the Airport supports corporate/business flying and aerial inspection activities almost daily. Other activities supported by ALN include aerial photography, aerospace technology research, gliders and soaring, air cargo operations, and medical transport. The Airport is also a member of the local Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) that provides mutual aid assistance for emergencies, making it a vital resource to the community.
St. Louis Regional Airport is positioned as one of the larger economic drivers in the region. Aeronautically, the Airport has approximately 700 jobs on property with an average salary of $110,000. Many of these highly-skilled positions are directly related to aviation, focusing on the maintenance and safety of both aircraft and the Airport. Many of these jobs are contributed to West Star Aviation and their world-class services offered to the nicest of business jets from around the world. In addition, the approximately 120 individual t-hangars are reserved for private aircraft owners, offering them a safe and convenient location to store their aircraft.
These thriving aviation related businesses on property contribute to a business revenue of $475.7 million, making St. Louis Regional Airport the 2nd highest of all Illinois airports outside of Chicago.
Aside from aeronautical uses, the St. Louis Regional Airport owns several hundred acres for non-aeronautical use. Examples of leased tenants include QuikTrip, Ace Hardware, Arby’s, and Liberty Bank. Along with a strip mall and two business parks on property, there are numerous services offered to the non-aeronautical public as well.
Overall, St. Louis Regional Airport has a total economic impact of $479.5 million, making it the 8th highest airport overall in Illinois. The Airports total contribution of 1,533 jobs creates valuable opportunities for community members locally.
With plans for continued growth, St. Louis Regional Airport benefits from great partnerships with airport tenants and community organizations such as the Bethalto Chamber of Commerce, Riverbend Growth Association, and Leadership Council Southwestern Illinois.
Visit these sites to learn more about what our region has to offer you and your business.
8 Terminal Drive
East Alton, Illinois 62024
Phone: 618.259.2531
Fax: 618.259.7669